Next week:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chalk aliens...
"Easy breezy" tank tops...
...and hopscotch!

I Had a Favorite Dress, by Boni Ashburn, hits stores this coming Monday, August 1 2011!
Thank you, Kirkus, for your lovely review.


Marcela said...

What fun and beautiful art! said...

Oh thanks Marcela!

Mai Kemble said...

I received my pre-ordered copy in the mail recently- and it is now my favorite book.

Annie Patterson said...

Mine is ordered! Yay! said...

Hey Mai, thank you, great to hear and great to see you on the FB page! (I just spotted you :)

Thank you so much Annie, hope you are doing well.

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

SUPER work! Really fun!

Kate said...

So fun! And so perfect for the last months of summer! said...

Thanks Elizabeth and thank you Kate!

Can't believe it's the "last months" of summer already the book the dress takes her into all seasons though (in many incarnations) but I won't give too much away :)

Amanda WG said...

ah! fantastic! your work brings an instant grin to my face. I especially love the hop scotch gal. cant wait to pick up a copy of this next week! said...

Yay, thanks Amanda! Good to see you tonight. Congrats on your art as well!

Tamara Henderson said...

Your work is fantastic! I just seen your new book on Amazon today and I ordered a copy. I can wait to receive my book!