Hey all! My interview for the Robert's Snowflake Blogging For a Cure is up! Thank you to Jackie Parker, for all your creative wit and making interviewing a ton of fun (click on her name too for her own interview on Seven Impossible Things!). You may want to keep her blog on your feed as well, this hip librarian has a wealth of knowledge in the teen lit department, as well as, according to her, art history and hippo making (her papier mache specialty). This girl does it all :)
Please folks, if you haven't checked out Robert's Snow, check it out now! It's book illustrators painting on snowflakes and selling them in an auction for JimmyFund. Yahoo! BTW, the picture is of the bunny bee on my drawing table.
Thanks Julia! It was a TON of fun interviewing you! Your answers are GREAT!!
Please, please, no one quiz me on Art History. I'll stand by my papier mache hippo abilities, though. ;)
Hi, Julia. I'm a great fan of all your artworks. Very beautifull! All of them!
Sorry for my english. I', brazillian!...
That is a GREAT interview, I loved reading it! Julia, your career is rockin!
Lovely interview! I seriously ADORE your work. *still swooning*
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