Shoes, News, Reviews!

Monday, August 22, 2011


Dearest Jama Rattigan has featured and reviewed Dress over on her blog. Boni and I are interviewed on our favorite wearables (mine are shoe-centric, hers are adorable!)...Click here to read.


Just in: I Had a Favorite Dress will be stocked at Anthropologie!

Dress has also made it into this year's Original Art Show at the Society of Illustrators, along with Just Being Audrey, and more art from this year's crop of picture books. Love and thanks to the jury! If you are in the NYC area this fall, take a peek, more info here.


Publisher's Weekly called Dress "Tailor-made, so to speak, for the Etsy generation of DIY enthusiasts." I really hope readers get crafty after reading this book. Reuse, resourcefulness, and reinvention! More reviews here: Thanks, PW. And thank you, Kirkus. Merci, Wall Street Journal. Et merci beaucoup, Jana!


Amanda W. said...

Ah BIG BIG CONGRATS! I remember my illustration teachers going on about the Society of became such a mythical place. I am so glad that you will be a part of their show, because of all the things your art is, at the top is ORIGINAL!

I just got my book yesterday and have already read it three times. I notice something new each time, which is part of the magic of illustrated books. I love it (and the print) to pieces. Thanks again, Julia! said...

Thanks so so much Amanda, I am really glad you are having fun with the book!! (I did hide things in there, the last page with the open closet has pieces she wears in each outfit, if you really want to hunt!)

Mai Kemble said...

well, this book definitely deserves all the attention as it is wonderful :)
loved it! I keep it on my desk as inspiration!

jacklynn4 said...

Quelle surprise? Pas du tout:) Of course you have great reviews!

Jennifer said...

We just got our copy of Favorite Dress at the library and I sent it over to the preschool right away - they're doing a unit on clothing and they loved it!