Les couleurs d'une fête

Thursday, February 17, 2011

This time of year can sometimes be bleakest part of winter...the bitter end, the last haul ...just too grey!

Since my birthday is next week (yay, Pisces!) and we've just left the cheeriness of Valentine's, this time span has always felt a little dreamy to me. A little oasis of color. Memories of paper valentines, snail mail, crayons, pale pastel conversation hearts mingling with birthday party anticipation always follow me this time of year. In class we've been using the french word for festival/party too and I love it: "fête". Doesn't the word sound exactly like a little party hat?

So...I woke up this morning with these things bright in my mind and made:

Crayon buntings


And party dresses

Wishing you some winter color to tide you over!
*Merci beaucoup to my french teacher, Nicole, and friend Abby for checking grammar.


Monday, February 7, 2011

...the studio!

(bird's-eye from the kitchen)

Baseboard molding and outlet plates are all that's left to do. Matt designed the walls and windows. I arranged things to keep my eyes awake and my heart warm. I can't wait to have visitors! So come in...

This sandy colored ikat print makes me feel like I'm on a safari:

A live jungle cat:

Found Brian Wildsmith's ABC's on the side of the road in Central Square:

Deadlines and starfish:

1950's French globe-turned-lamp from Bliss Farm Antiques, Rehoboth MA (thank you to lovely owner, Jackie) Also from Bliss, La Civilité (Puérile et Honnête) an antique picture book of manners for children, illustrated by M.B. De Monvel...she found these things on her yearly trips to the Paris flea markets! Lucky treasure and Christmas presents from Matt :

One of its interiors I would like to live in:

Out the window:

Things that are keeping my eyes awake:

Oops! There are some secret things hanging up...

Side ponytails, a mermaid:

Been surrounding myself in these colors the past few weeks...learning so much from their interaction, dreaming in them, playing with them: unlikely pinks, reds, crisp cherry, corals, golds, bright carrot. My mind's eye is working at full speed. Seeing new work ahead while I paint projects...Oh and this book about Maira is packed full of inspiration-cartwheels and wonder:

I'm so happy to have a place where my imagination can simmer and streeetttchhhhhhhhh out! Thanks for peeking!