I arrived home at 3 this morning (yikes!) from a little book trip to New York where I attended The 2009 Original Art Show reception at the Society of Illustrators. It was great to see the walls decked with beautiful originals from this past year's published books and say hello to illustrator and publishing buddies old and new (special congrats to Scott, Dan, Lauren and to Brian for the silver medal for his exquisite Moonshot!) The show is up until November 25th, and if you're into the art of the picture book, it's always worth a trip.
It was a treat to hear Mr. Chris Van Allsburg speak on accepting his lifetime achievement award too. He mentioned The Garden of Abdul Gasazi, which forever changed the way I looked at picture books, even as a child, and helped me along my career path (to be an "ileastratider"). I appreciated his thoughts on "quietness" in children's books, and about bookmaking with for an ageless audience. I remember shutting his hardcovers, decked out in my best hot-green slouch socks and side ponytail circa 1989, and knowing I had to make books. I was in second grade and I had no idea how I might get there, but I hoped I would.
On my way out of the show last night, I even mumbled a spectacularly awkward sentence his way, thanking him for his inspiration, and received a "good luck" from him in return! It was also special to be there when Dr. Seuss (Ted Geisel) was awarded posthumously and hear a bit about his life and amazing bookmaking career. Big titles and big dreams in a very little gallery and in little books for that matter. I think I will always be in love with picture books.
Now we're back home in our small city, and it's back to work. Hope all is well ♥
I love the idea of a "spectacularly awkward sentence." I wish I could have been there! Hopefully I will be able to visit before it comes down.
Julia, I don't say this nearly enough: I love your blog so much! It's great hearing about your work and process and life, all accompanied by great pics! Keep it up, Real Deal!
Julia, was great to finally meet you at the show! I am sure I will be admiring your art on the walls of the Society at next years opening :) Happy bookmaking!
lovely art here :) I can see why you are having such a blast making the art for this book!
Also exciting to hear about Chris Van Allsburg being someone you admire- he is one of the reasons I am also into children's book illustration... my professor in college showed us that exact book and it forever changed my life.
So I take my hat off to you!
What a wonderful day!!
That’s a great recap, Julia. I really liked the Van Allsburg speech, too. And thanks for the shout out! And, last but not least, great drawing!
Glad the show went so well!
I call my kids Pete and Repete- HA!
that sounds like a fun time! Makes me wish I lived closer to such things/places. Your illustration is so charming- it has a Marc Simont quality about it.
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