Deadlines, oh deadlines!...yum, deadlines taste like salmon maki.
I've been pretty good about making dinner during this past month of deadlines because I really love to cook-it's a creative release! Here's one deadline-related recipe I recently tried (Tip: I used diced tomatoes instead of Audrey's preferred romas, so add a cup of water). Still, no matter how you plan your time, you can't avoid those last c-r-a-z-y weeks: solid days/nights of PJ's, buried painting desk, teetering piles of sketches and reference, REALLY bad hair days, missed phone calls (eek– sorry!), anything and everything playing in the background as you've worn out your music (Golden Girls marathons, thanks to Jess) and SUSHI NIGHTS! (from Beni, down the street) I can take the back road behind my house right there...jacket and boots over pj's...no one knows, right?
When I return, I'll reveal some interiors for DOTTY! Be well– See you soon!
*Many thanks to my support, Matt P., who doesn't mind picking up the sushi and looking at my bizarre hairstyles, and to my understanding friends and family and loyal feline.
thank you for being a friend...do do doooo....hang in there! :)
I'm right there with you- pajamas and takeout in hand! One more week to go for me. So true that the last minute dash to the finish is unavoidable, and I think part of the process.
travel down the road and back again...do do dooo. thanks Jesh.
Hi Anna- glad I'm not alone ;) Desmond is coming along so great, good luck on the final push!
good luck! I am right there with you....trying to get my before christmas deadlines done as well. SUSHI is an instant fav and creative booster for me. Sounds like we'll be having sushi tonight:)
Good luck! Can't wait to see more!
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