Sometimes, RIGHT in the middle of drawing a piece of art for a job, and I'm plugged into some good music, I see something completely different and unrelated that I need to draw before it disappears. That's when art making is so so crazy. You feel vulnerable and like a "channel". Ideas are freely flowing through you without much input from your brain. It's the best place to be, and it's the place where I learn my lessons, which eventually make their way to client work.

It feels like a good stretch to make personal work ... stretching for something visually, and teetering on the edge of something and reaching far out. Making a new wrinkle in my art brain. Completely letting go, unhinging my mind for a second and speaking in color line and texture impulses. Letting things get weird. It's like a wild little race for a few minutes, chasing after the flash. Sometimes what you end up with is ugly but exciting. I think this gloved lady is about what line can do on its own when it is not told what it should be doing!

I always have a moment of panic or fear and that is when I am on the verge of something good-- a tiny little adrenaline surge! I turn up the music loud and play and stare and make a big mess and something good will come.
I love your ladies!!!
I am trying to learn how to "uni-task" and actually avoid letting distractions pull me away from the work at hand, but when something ingenious comes along, sometimes you just have to let it out!
Your post got me to thinking.... I haven't been stretching myself much lately. I tend to draw the same kinds of characters with the same kinds of faces in the same kinds of poses. And you've made me realize that its time to take a risk. Thank you for the inspiration and thank you for sharing your very lovely work!
ps- Congrats on getting hitched!! :)
what's it like for me when I "stretch?" like you said, but most of the time ugly, and if I'm not careful I'll tighten up trying to save something that should loosen me up in the first place... that's usually the result of thinking too much!
nice "stretch" by the way! she's got attitude
You're right! There's so many times I'm spending time on something work related when a song will come on that just compels you to create along with it.
It's strange, sometimes the rougher, less polished pieces feel more honestly me than a lot of other things. I'm trying to analyze why those pieces feel more "real" and bring that into my work, but it's tricky because it feels so intangible sometimes...
thanks for your thoughts everyone!
This post really speaks to me...I find as a musician, that stretching is one of the hardest things to do for me...you feel locked into a certain method, and half the time you are trying desperately to get out of it and think of something different that will sound musically pleasing at the same time...I think that I am going to spend more of my time "stretching" and just being...while I still have the time and freedom to explore...
thanks Julia :)
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