Yikes! Has it almost been a month since we last? Time is marching on, so are projects and unpacking and assembling and painting. Everything is still in brilliant boxy shambles over here (at least the art desks are set up) but nothing nice enough to post yet. The book projects are chugging along too. Since everything is either secret or messy, I will post my current picture book inspirations (and a picture of Seri honestly sleeping on some of them!)

I was stuck on a few spreads, so I was compelled to make a run to
Curious George for a badly needed picture book fix with
Jess last week. I was especially looking for ones I hadn't read since I was small, like
Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile. When you crack open a book you haven't looked at since age 7, it's like time travel. Remember how it felt to literally be a part of the story as the pages turned? Renewing this feeling and keeping it with me as I work helps me along on my own books. So here are some of my recent jump-starters:
Bernard Waber, and his
Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (*blog title quote, picture)
Tomi Ungerer, especially in CrictorMarc Simont à la
The Philharmonic Gets DressedLudwig Bemelmans the great and his lovely
MadelineM. Sasek in his
This Is (Ireland, New York, London...) books
...back to the classics. Oh and I have just found this
new little dress. It also seems to time travel a bit.